0114 2458 581
65 Deep Ln, Sheffield S5 0DU
Growth Technology pH Buffer 4 – 300ml
Growth Technology pH Buffer 7 – 300ml
Canna Flush
- When used just before harvest it makes sure the plant gets rid of all excess, which will lead to a clean and tasteful harvest.
- CANNA FLUSH effectively cleans the substrate without killing any useful bacteria or beneficial fungi, as can be the case when you use reverse osmosis or de-mineralised water.
- It can be used on all substrates.
- CANNA FLUSH is recyclable.
Canna Cannazym
- They turn dead roots into minerals and sugars. This is important, because these minerals and sugars make up a valuable source of nutrients for the plant. CANNAZYM consists of more than 12 different kinds of enzymes to which vitamins and extracts of desert plants are added. These elements improve the uptake of nutrients and the plant's defence system. Also, vitamins stimulate the production of hormones.
- They help form new roots. The easy-to-absorb vitamins in CANNAZYM also stimulate the plant to form new roots. This increases the health of the plant.
- CANNAZYM prevents bacteria and harmful mould. Dead roots form an ideal environment for moulds. They are a threat to the healthy roots. The moulds cause stress to the entire plant and stunts any new growth. Also, CANNAZYM prevents rotting, so there is no formation of toxic substances and the risk of a disease is considerably reduced.
- CANNAZYM improves the soil environment. A fast breakdown of root remains creates a balanced hydrological regime and good aeration in the root environment.
Growth Technology pH Buffer 4 and 7 – 300ml
Canna Start
- Only one bottle needed. CANNA Start is a complete one-part nutrient, meaning it contains all the needed elements in one bottle (no A and B versions needed)
- CANNA Start links up perfectly with all other CANNA nutrients. Once cuttings are transplanted from plugs into the final medium, you switch from CANNA Start to the CANNA (Vega) nutrient suitable for the medium you're growing in (CANNA TERRA, COCO, HYDRO or AQUA) for the remainder of the cycle. It's especially great in combination with CANNA RHIZOTONIC. With this combination, your plants will get the strongest and thickest roots.
- Reduces the risk of overfeeding. Cuttings and seedlings have different needs than established plants. A normal nutrient for the vegetative stage is not suitable for cuttings and seedlings because you run the risk of overfeeding.
- Reduces the risk of plant material turning yellow. Diluting a vegetative nutrient to make it more suitable for cuttings and seedlings isn't the answer. Such a dilution doesn't contain enough micro and macro elements. This causes yellowing of the plant material; not a good start for your crop. To ultimately achieve strong, healthy plants at the end you have to start off right at the very beginning. That's why CANNA developed CANNA Start; to get the exact ratio of all nutritional elements, right for cuttings and seedlings.
- Grow from seeds
- Take their own cuttings
- Put the seedlings or cuttings in small pots first, before transplanting them into the final medium
Canna Rhizotonic
- Stimulates new root growth on cuttings and transplants. Besides stimulating root growth on plants that are already rooted, RHIZOTONIC also stimulates new root growth on cuttings and transplants. The various trace elements and vitamins such as B1&B2 stimulate the production of hormones and root growth, thus providing beautiful, strong white roots.
- Speeds up the germination process when used to soak seeds prior to planting. If you dilute RHIZOTONIC (40ml/10 litre), you can use it to soak seeds. RHIZOTONIC softens up the seed skin, making it easier for the seed to burst and germinate.
- Enhances overall plant growth and chemical reactions in the plant to ensure a healthier, powerful and stronger plant. Good results start with a healthy plant. Because RHIZOTONIC stimulates root growth, it improves the strength of a plant. This is especially important during the first weeks of a plant's life, since young plants are the most vulnerable. RHIZOTONIC stimulates further root development, increases the plant’s resistance to diseases and promotes its inner and outer strength.
- Aids in the recovery process of any plant or cutting that has been subjected to stress in any way whatsoever. Many growers agree that plants recover much quicker from stress situations if the leaves have been sprayed with RHIZOTONIC. Such stress situations could for example occur during transport and re-potting plants. RHIZOTONIC will also improve plants that are unhealthy or poorly developed.
The flagship Monkey product, designed and developed in the UK for over two years, this is our Monkey masterpiece.
Using only the finest plant extracted ingredients, Monkey has created a root stimulator that not only rapidly develops the root mass, but also increases fine root hairs, improves lateral root growth and accelerates the development of new roots throughout the plant’s life cycle.
These plant extracts provide secondary benefits alongside the amazing root development. They also act as a plant health enhancer due to the number of minerals and vitamins found in the extracts.
We may be Monkey Nutrients, but we certainly don’t monkey about when we make these phenomenal products. Used at 3ml per 10 litres, this highly concentrated root stimulator will ensure you won’t need huge bottles throughout your plant’s life cycle.
So if you want big trees to swing from, you need big Monkey roots!